In a previous post I mentioned my recent conviction to help those who are stuck in real poverty, especially children who are starving to death.
As a Believer I'm called to act. To not just hear what God has to say, but to also do as He does. To do, to act, on what he says.
I believe in a God that's bigger than a church building, bigger than programs, and bible studies. A real God that can move mountains and actually reach those who are suffering. It's not that Church buildings, programs, staff, and bible studies are bad, it's just that they are not the goal of my beliefs. The goal is Freedom, Mercy, Peace, Healing and Health, Kindness, Goodness, Grace. I believe in a God that sends his people to Free the captives, to cheer them up, and to feed the orphans and widows.
This means not just praying for change, but being willing to be an instrument of change. Action. Not just being a hearer of God's Word, but a doer of it.
Tithing might sound religious or old fashioned ideal, but it is simply this: Giving our First Fruits to the God we put our Faith in. It's a demonstration of our trust for Him. It's a remembrance that everything belongs to Him. It's an acknowledgment that He comes first, that He is the one who provides, and that this life is not just about us.
One of the things that often gets targeted for the tithe is money. While that is a real and relevant way to tithe, it's not the only thing we have to offer... And this is where we get into what I have been motivated to tithe to God for starving children.
I'm an idea person and an entrepreneur. I've recently felt convicted to give what I think is going to be my best idea to God. To make it a non-profit and use it to provide food for the orphans and widows of the world.
My dream is to create a non profit that generates income so that it can contribute consistently in a sustainable way. To me, a lot of non-profits are cash sinks. They rely solely on the generosity of others, which often dry up, but don't produce income outside of fund raising. My idea is to create a profitable business that is healthy and grows. A business that generates income outside of fundraising so that it can continue to help those in need. For example, what if Starbucks profits went to the needy instead of share holders? (Not that i'm against for profit businesses in any way.)
The secondary part of this would be to not just drop off food, but to help create a way for families in poverty to sustain themselves through reproducible food stuffs and job skills/careers.
So here is what I'm going to do.
I am going to start an Ice Cream Cart business. I'm going to pour my heart into growing it, making it profitable, making it a success that can grow past me, but not for me. I don't just want to feed 5 kids, because I could do that on my own. No, I want to feed 5,000 this month and 10,000 next month. I want to help parents feed their kids so they can stay together, so they can feed themselves long after the "help" is gone.
While I want to keep the best for myself, that's not the kind of man God has called me to be. I trust my God and am willing to listen to Him, to put my money where my mouth is, so to speak. So that's exactly what i'm going to do!
I like to say my kids are fat, healthy, and wealthy. That's amazing! I'm so blessed! While I will always want more for me and mine, I know that there are people out there who have to watch their children die for lack of food, medicine, or clean water. I can't ignore that anymore. I won't.
I will reveal details about the Ice Cream Cart ;for starving kids as it gets closer. like March of 2013. I hope I can count on your support emotionally, and logistically as the time gets closer.
Thank you for your good wishes, prayers, luck, and support to help feed starving children!
As a Believer I'm called to act. To not just hear what God has to say, but to also do as He does. To do, to act, on what he says.
I believe in a God that's bigger than a church building, bigger than programs, and bible studies. A real God that can move mountains and actually reach those who are suffering. It's not that Church buildings, programs, staff, and bible studies are bad, it's just that they are not the goal of my beliefs. The goal is Freedom, Mercy, Peace, Healing and Health, Kindness, Goodness, Grace. I believe in a God that sends his people to Free the captives, to cheer them up, and to feed the orphans and widows.
This means not just praying for change, but being willing to be an instrument of change. Action. Not just being a hearer of God's Word, but a doer of it.
Tithing might sound religious or old fashioned ideal, but it is simply this: Giving our First Fruits to the God we put our Faith in. It's a demonstration of our trust for Him. It's a remembrance that everything belongs to Him. It's an acknowledgment that He comes first, that He is the one who provides, and that this life is not just about us.
One of the things that often gets targeted for the tithe is money. While that is a real and relevant way to tithe, it's not the only thing we have to offer... And this is where we get into what I have been motivated to tithe to God for starving children.
I'm an idea person and an entrepreneur. I've recently felt convicted to give what I think is going to be my best idea to God. To make it a non-profit and use it to provide food for the orphans and widows of the world.
My dream is to create a non profit that generates income so that it can contribute consistently in a sustainable way. To me, a lot of non-profits are cash sinks. They rely solely on the generosity of others, which often dry up, but don't produce income outside of fund raising. My idea is to create a profitable business that is healthy and grows. A business that generates income outside of fundraising so that it can continue to help those in need. For example, what if Starbucks profits went to the needy instead of share holders? (Not that i'm against for profit businesses in any way.)
The secondary part of this would be to not just drop off food, but to help create a way for families in poverty to sustain themselves through reproducible food stuffs and job skills/careers.
So here is what I'm going to do.
I am going to start an Ice Cream Cart business. I'm going to pour my heart into growing it, making it profitable, making it a success that can grow past me, but not for me. I don't just want to feed 5 kids, because I could do that on my own. No, I want to feed 5,000 this month and 10,000 next month. I want to help parents feed their kids so they can stay together, so they can feed themselves long after the "help" is gone.
While I want to keep the best for myself, that's not the kind of man God has called me to be. I trust my God and am willing to listen to Him, to put my money where my mouth is, so to speak. So that's exactly what i'm going to do!
I like to say my kids are fat, healthy, and wealthy. That's amazing! I'm so blessed! While I will always want more for me and mine, I know that there are people out there who have to watch their children die for lack of food, medicine, or clean water. I can't ignore that anymore. I won't.
I will reveal details about the Ice Cream Cart ;for starving kids as it gets closer. like March of 2013. I hope I can count on your support emotionally, and logistically as the time gets closer.
Thank you for your good wishes, prayers, luck, and support to help feed starving children!
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