Go Daddy

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stepping up to bat

In this section of my blog I have been talking about my dreams and more specifically my dream jobs. In a previous post I mentioned a few jobs that have different components of what I love. Now, its all fine and dandy to dream and its a great step to even identify what your dream job may be. It is altogether a lot more difficult to actually step up to the plate and take a swing.

So for the benefit of being accountable to my audience (3 people 1 of which is myself) and for the sake of encouragement for both myself and you, I would like to share where I am at in the pursuing of the dream.
  1. Writer: I have been writing at least an hour everyday sense I started this blog. I am practicing what I love doing on a daily basis.
  2. Business Owner: I work on ideas and plans for those ideas fairly regularly. Because of personal experience my wife and I are pretty anti-debt. So another step in the whole business owner process is for us to finish getting out of debt and then to save money. We are doing this on a daily basis.
  3. Pilot: This is a little more extravagant and I am still processing this one.But like above it will require us as a family to be out of debt and to save money. In the meantime I plan to continue to learn about being a pilot and to continue processing the why and how of this dream. 
  4. Police Officer: I have always wanted to be a Peace Officer since I was three. I gave up on this dream in my early teens for several reasons. Most of which comprised of my observations on how the police are viewed and treated in Portland, Oregon. After moving to Montana I had the opportunity to go on a ride along with an officer and really had a blast. From that and some conversations with friends and family I began to feel inspired to revisit the idea. After some prayer and careful consideration I decided I would step up to the plate and really take a swing at this one. I signed up to take a written and physical test to become an eligible candidate. I trained in advance for the physical test and by God's grace passed both the four-part written test and the physical obstacle test. I have also applied for a couple of positions as well. 
From taking these steps, from stepping up to the plate and being willing to take a few swings I feel incredibly optimistic about my future. You see, I may strike out from time to time but I also think I will get a few hits in, hell, I might just hit a home run. I know now that in my past I have been sitting in the stands just watching others and saying "man, it must be nice." I have been a spectator in my own life refusing to even take a swing both out of laziness and fear. Namely the fear of failing and being ridiculed. It's safe to sit in the stands and talk about how we could have accomplished our dreams IF! If we wanted to. If we had time. If we had money. If it wasn't for our family. If it wasn't for _____....

I know now that you can't get around the bases, you can't make it home if you don't try. If you keep waiting for life and oppurtunity to come to you, you will be waiting until the lights are turned off and the janitor tells you to leave. So afters years of sitting in the stands i'm on the field warming up and taking some swings. Will you join me?

Questions: What dreams do you have? Are you doing them now? Where are you at, in the stands or at the plate?

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