Go Daddy

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The stuff dreams are made of.

In the last couple of months of have become more and more preoccupied with my dreams. You see, I have like most people in the west have bought into the lie that my dreams are either not important or that they can't be accomplished. Often times those two lies stop us from even trying. If we somehow get past those hurdles we run into another one, procrastination. We tell ourselves that we will work on our dreams when we have more time and money. If your real with yourself we all know we never seem to have enough of either.

I just recently read a book by Jon Acuff  call Quitter. You can find it from his site at www.jonacuff.com
Jon is the guy that also wrote the book and blog Stuff Christians Like.  It's a great books that has a lot of great nuggets on how to use your day job as a platform from which to launch yourself into your dream job. One of my favorite ideas from the book is the concept that finding your dream job is not a matter of discovery but more a matter of recovery. That we have done things in the past we loved and that fulfilled us. We just lost it along the way, we believed a lie. 

So this got me thinking. What were the things I loved doing? What are the things I do now that I love. Things that make time feel different, things that make me feel at peace. What qualities am I looking for in a "dream job?"

Here is what my "why" is when it comes to dreams. I love creativity, stories, both the hearing and telling of them in many forms, helping others, independence, freedom, and the ability to directly impact the "vision" of something. I enjoy reading, writing, and playing games. I also enjoy things that are highly relational as well.

By the grace of God I have discovered Four jobs that in one way or another fit certain aspects of what I listed above For me here are what I believe would be dream jobs for me.
  1. Writer
  2. Business Owner
  3. Pilot (Helicopter or plane)
  4. Peace Officer
  5. Traveling (Working on how to make this a job)
So dear friends and readers, I would like you to hold me accountable. Please, ask me how and what I am doing to work toward these things. I will continue to unpack why the above fits for me and also blog about my progress in pursuing  my dreams.  I hope you will be encouraged and inspired as I move forward and apply some hustle toward the "dream."

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