Is balance in life important? If you're a believer is finding a balance with God important to you?
God is very specific in both the old and new testament of what he requires from us.I want you to picture a thin white line that stretches out from you past the horizon. As a believer God has asked you to walk that line because his ways are good and right and best for you.
As we get distracted we step off that line to the right or left. We also over compensate. Sometimes we are like a pendulum. I know a lot of people who grew up as pastor kids or in very conservative churches. They experienced an extreme to the right. Then they get old enough to where they can leave that environment but often times trade it for another extreme.They no longer see any good about where they came from and often times judge people who are still to the right.
God is not asking us to compensate for our parents or churches mistakes. We can't fix Christian culture by swinging to the left or the right, for every time we do we move off the line God has laid down. The great thing about God though, is He is patient, merciful, and loves us too much to let us keep going off the path for too long. Through the holy spirit working through those who love Him, we are constantly being shepherd back to the line.
That's why we need each other. That's why we need community. Life and spirituality is a pendulum, an act of life long calibration. Don't over compensate. God doesn't need a PR person. When He gives you a revelation on where you're wrong, or on a better way of doing something, by all means act, just don't over compensate in the flesh.
Embrace the pendulum and ask God to help the swings from left to right to become less extreme. Look for the line and walk it as best you can. Try not to wonder to the left or right but, toward righteousness. Peace.
Question: Do you tend to over correct? Can you find places where you might be too far to one side of an issue or biblical principle?
God is very specific in both the old and new testament of what he requires from us.I want you to picture a thin white line that stretches out from you past the horizon. As a believer God has asked you to walk that line because his ways are good and right and best for you.
As we get distracted we step off that line to the right or left. We also over compensate. Sometimes we are like a pendulum. I know a lot of people who grew up as pastor kids or in very conservative churches. They experienced an extreme to the right. Then they get old enough to where they can leave that environment but often times trade it for another extreme.They no longer see any good about where they came from and often times judge people who are still to the right.
God is not asking us to compensate for our parents or churches mistakes. We can't fix Christian culture by swinging to the left or the right, for every time we do we move off the line God has laid down. The great thing about God though, is He is patient, merciful, and loves us too much to let us keep going off the path for too long. Through the holy spirit working through those who love Him, we are constantly being shepherd back to the line.
That's why we need each other. That's why we need community. Life and spirituality is a pendulum, an act of life long calibration. Don't over compensate. God doesn't need a PR person. When He gives you a revelation on where you're wrong, or on a better way of doing something, by all means act, just don't over compensate in the flesh.
Embrace the pendulum and ask God to help the swings from left to right to become less extreme. Look for the line and walk it as best you can. Try not to wonder to the left or right but, toward righteousness. Peace.
Question: Do you tend to over correct? Can you find places where you might be too far to one side of an issue or biblical principle?
Hi Eric