Have you ever been rejected? More specifically maybe not picked at all or picked last? I know I have.
In elementary school I was not very skilled at sports or very popular. When the two team captains of whichever sport we happened to be playing would line us all up to pick teams, I was often picked toward the end if not last. I remember that crushing feeling that someone picked you only because they had to. I also remember praying that I would not be the very last pick.
As I got older I got better at sports and was often times picked sooner than later but still I was never good enough to get picked first. Again, I remember thinking at least I wasn't picked last.
I don't know about you but, for me as I have grown older, I have told myself such things don't matter and that I no longer care about when I get picked, if at all. But when I'm honest and think more on the subject I realize that I do in fact care. Recently, I did not even get invited to interview for a position I wanted, and that really sucked. I wanted to get picked.
I chose my wife. Not because she was my only option or because 5 other people were not available but because she was my first pick. I know that has meaning to her. I also know that she picked me, and I was first in her heart. I can't began to describe the elation in that concept! But it gets better.
Whether you're a Christian or a non-believer there is good news in this department. Someone did pick you first. Jesus choose you before you were even born. He knew who you would be and he picked you first. He not just waited for you to show up on the field, he relentlessly pursues you no matter where you're at. He says I know you, I made you, I chose you because I love you. Please, please, come into my feast of love! Did Jesus come before we were born? Yeah. Does he call out to us as a people, as his people? Yes, but he knew you before you knew him. He loves you and wants you. He is God, in all, through all, and over all. Whether you believe me or agree with me, you are loved and you were chosen first.
So, inflight of that, what do we do?
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